Repair Or Replace Your Cracked Windshield… Just Do It

Most people view a windshield as just a piece of glass that keeps the wind and debris off their face when they are driving down the road. However, a windshield is actually a very important structural support to your vehicle. If you are in a car crash with a chipped or cracked windshield, you could be injured more severely than if your windshield was in good condition. There are many different aspects of windshield repair and replacement that you may not know. Read More 

4 Tips For Dealing With A Vandalized Antique Window

Coming home to discover that your window has been broken by a vandal is bad enough, but it's even worse when that window is a precious antique. Your antique windows add charm and a sense of history to your home, and you are probably heartbroken to have one broken. The important thing is to remain calm and take control of this unfortunate situation by following these four tips: Call the Police Read More 

Some Things You Should Be Looking For In Your Glass And Windows

Keeping the glass in your house in good condition is an important part of home ownership. The windows and glass will not only let in the light, but they help to insulate the house and keep the air in and the outdoor air out. Thus, it is important to notice early on if the glass in your house is compromised and if you need to repair or replace it. Here are some things you should know. Read More 

Care For Your New Windows: How To Keep Them Looking Brand New

If you've recently invested in new windows for your home, you want to make sure they stay looking brand new for as long as possible. Unfortunately, some common everyday events can wreak havoc on them. Not only that, but those same events can also make them difficult to clean. Luckily, you don't have to resign yourself to dirty windows. Here are three simple steps you can take to make sure your windows always sparkle. Read More 

Tips For Avoiding Unnecessary Damage To Your Car’s Windshield

If you recently purchased a new car and want to do everything you can to avoid chipping or cracking its windshield, then you will be pleased to discover there are many proactive actions you can take to keep your vehicle's windshield damage-free. While you can never completely eliminate the possibility of your car's windshield becoming damaged while you are out driving around, following these tips will greatly reduce the probability: Read More