Impact Window Myths Corrected

Impact windows can be a sensible upgrade to make to your house, but you might not always have the information that is needed to properly weigh these types of windows. When a homeowner makes this decision based on inaccurate information, they may be far less likely to get the type of results that they are wanting for their home.

Myth: Impact Windows Can Stop A Bullet

Impact windows are able to withstand extreme forces. However, some individuals might assume that these windows will be able to absorb almost any impact, including bullets. In reality, there are limits to the amount of force that this glass can withstand. Unlike traditional glass, impact windows will be less likely to break into hazardous shards that can become buried in the skin. Impact windows will be rated for the strength of impacts that they can withstand, which can make it easier to choose the strongest windows for your budget.

Myth: Impact Windows Always Fit On Top Of Your Current Windows

The installation of impact windows is one of the more misunderstood aspects of them. Homeowners may assume that these windows will always be installed over their current windows. While some impact windows may be designed to be used this way, most are designed to be installed as replacement windows. This means that your current windows will need to be removed for most of the high-quality impact windows. In addition to making the windows more secure in the event of a strong impact, this will also improve the energy efficiency of them by reducing drafts and other issues.

Myth: It Is Not Possible To Opt For Tinted Impact Windows

Having tinted windows in your home can help to improve comfort by making it easier to regulate the brightness of the home's interior and the overall temperature. Luckily, there is no reason that impact windows cannot be tinted. In addition to there being impact windows that come tinted, it is also possible to have a tint added to impact windows that do not currently have it.

Myth: Installing Impact Windows Is Damaging To The Home

Installing impact windows will usually require the removal of a home's exterior windows. However, homeowners should not assume that this will be damaging to the house. It is common for the exterior windows of a home to be replaced. As long as this work is completed by trained professionals, the risks of the home encountering complications or other problems will be extremely low.
